Written & Directed (And drawn) By Matt Cermak
Producer – John Pesavent
Director of Photography – Neal Reiter
Editor – Micah Dahl
How do you humanize a company’s top executives? By making them as uncomfortable as humanly possible.
That’s why we created Portraits of Excellence, a fake talkshow in the basement of Periscope.
In each episode, I forced members of Periscope’s board of directors to answer awkward questions, join me for absurd hijinks,
and pay me 3 dollars for a hand drawn portrait. How did I get permission to do this? By intentionally forgetting to ask for it. Enjoy the 7-part series below.
Episode 1: Vice President of Business Development Jennifer Anhorn
Episode 2: Vice President of Data Analytics John Keenan
Episode 3: Vice President of Client Leadership Chris Hiland
Episode 4: Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operations Officer Virginia Hines
Episode 5: Vice President of Strategy Victor Kimble
Episode 6: Chief Creative Officer Peter Nicholson
(Series Finale) Episode 7: Chief Executive Officer Liz Ross
To promote the series, I also created Instagram promos for each episode. Here is a supercut of all 7.
But wait, there’s more! Here’s some additional content made for Instagram.
The entire set is made from foamcore, hot glue and sharpies. Here’s a timelapse of me drawing.
Before the series premiered, I posted this teaser.
Are you tickled? Oh, I bet you are, big boy.
Unfortunately, Portraits of Excellence was
murdered by a Cease & Desist. R.I.P.
For your viewing pleasure, here are Portaits of Excellence portraits of my friends and coworkers.
Brett Essman – Art Director
Chris Bluma – Instagram Celebrity, Copywriter
Kelly Gray – Creative Director
Jade Bayonet – Badass, Designer
Brian Boord – Group Creative Director
Jen Nies – Creative Director